What We Believe
Statement of Unity
The bible is true…
Jesus Christ is Lord!
There is —
One God,
One Spirit,
and One Church.
What We Believe
- The Lord our God is ONE: There is ONE God, creator of all things who is revealed in the Bible to be eternally Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ is Lord: By the Father’s plan, the Son became man, was conceived by the Spirit, was born of the virgin Mary, was called Jesus, the Christ, lived without sin, was crucified as an atonement for sin, was resurrected bodily, ascended to the right hand of the Father, presently intercedes for His own, and will return again in power, glory and judgment, fully establishing the eternal kingdom of God.
- There is ONE Spirit: By which we are redeemed, sealed, transformed, filled, empowered and gifted. The Holy Spirit is given to those who repent of sin, believe in Jesus and confess Him as Lord.
- There is ONE Church: With many members; one body with many functions.
- The Bible is true: It is the inerrant, inspired, complete, written Word of God; the final authority and standard for truth that determines what we believe, how we worship and how we live.
Values We Share In Worship Gatherings
- Worship: The foundation of prayer is worship and intimacy with God.
- The Holy Spirit: Honor the presence and leadership of the Holy Spirit.
- The Bible: Use the Bible to pray positive, God-centered solutions and declarations.
- Worship-Based Prayer: Combine worship music with prayer.
- Order and Flow: Follow structure and leadership while flowing in team ministry.
- Unity in Diversity: Honor one another regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, worship style, denomination etc.
What We Are Believing For
- Unity in the Body of Christ
- Revival in the Church and national awakening
- The fulfillment of the Great Commission
- The restoration of Israel and salvation of the Jews
- The visible return of Jesus and His reign on the earth from Jerusalem