Prayer Room Hours:
Open to the public
Fri Nights 7pm – 11pm
Romans 15:6
That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 2:1-2
On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting.
Whether you are interested in being a part of one of our worship-based prayer teams, or you would simply like to learn more about what we do, join us for our next Worship-Based Prayer Workshop!
Upcoming Worship-Based Prayer Workshop
When: Saturday, June 24th from 9AM-12PM
Where: The Torchhouse
Cost: FREE
Sign up by emailing us @
Volunteer Opportunities
Would you like to volunteer at The Torchhouse? We are currently looking for the following positions:
- Prayer Leaders
- Worship Leaders
- Assistant Worship Leaders
- Singers
- Musicians
- Section Leaders
- Welcome Center Hosts
- Sound
- Media
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer, but are unable to attend the workshops.
Email us @